This is my wonderland & I go here a lot.

Lately I've spent a lot of time back in my wonderland. I say back because I haven't spent a lot of time there since high school, almost six years ago.

So let me explain my own personal wonderland...

Wonderland is this place i go to in my head when things are chaotic or not going right or when I just need to escape. It's my safe place. Normally I'm baked out of my mind, but not all the time.

When I'm there my world is peaceful, silent, on pause and it's amazing. I go brain dead just for a short while. Then I begin to hop through my thoughts and figure them out.

I love living in wonderland. It's good for me.

What's Wonderlust my love?

Wonderlust, what is Wonderlust, and actually it's spelt wanderlust but who cares? This is a text I received this morning...from someone whom I love.

Let me explain what it is although I don't know where the term came from therefore I don't know why the question is being asked... But...

Wonderlust, I'm going to define this as a life of mystery. Loving the unknown. If this pertains to my relationship...no fucking clue.



Me oh my red hair
Baby it's cold outside.
I'm laci, and I'm 22. & I am back to trying to blog. I'm a short girl with red and black hair and blue eyes. I have a daughter named Savannah Sage and she's going to be two in February. I have a boyfriend, his name is Dom and we've been together for almost 5 months give or take. I live in Phoenix Arizona, but I'm from Small Town Ohio.

I live for the moment. I don't always think first. I have a talent for getting tied up in drama, but it's my least favorite activity. I do enjoy good company and late nights. I live for deep conversations and amazing times.

I enjoy caffiene, I actually live off it. My dirt bike is my first love. Mud would be my second. My lifted truck would be my third. I have a passion for dirt bike racing, and desert parties. DESERT RAT!

I go to ASU, yea I'm still a college student. YOU LITTLE SUNDEVIL YOU!

So come follow me as I venture through my new found college life, and the life I lead.

Laci <3

ASU girl.